Nine More Approaches to Figurative Abstraction [E-Course]

I use many different mediums in this course. My central medium is oil paint, often used with cold wax. I additionally use acrylics, inks, and collage. I also use drawing tools such as graphite and china marker (a wax pencil), and others.  IN SEVERAL OF THE PROJECTS I ENCOURAGE YOU TO WORK WITH A NEW MEDIUM OF SOME KIND. You DO NOT NEED TO SPEND A LOT OF MONEY on new art supplies.  The intention is to get you to play with a few new materials to discover new ways of working, and also to awaken that inner sense of play.
Below I have listed many of the items I use in this course for your reference. PLEASE FEEL FREE TO USE YOUR OWN PAINT COLORS AND MATERIALS IN THIS COURSE.


The following is a list of my basic colors. You do not need to run out and buy these exact colors if you have similar ones. 

Click on any PLUS SIGN below for more information.

  • (Additional colors that I frequently use)
    Any of the Gamblin Greys OR premixed greys for acrylic painters
    Cadmium Orange
    Van Dyke Brown
    Buff Titanium
    Blue Grey (Daler Rowney)
    Titanium White
    Lemon Yellow (Cool)
    Cadmium Yellow Medium (Warm)
    Cadmium Red Light (Warm)
    Alizarin Crimson or Quinacridone Red (Cool)
    Cerulean Blue or Manganese Blue (Cool)
    Ultramarine Blue (Warm)
    Viridian (Cool)
    Black - Ivory, Mars, etc. (I’m not particular)
    Gold Ochre (for skin tones)


Fun Materials Used In This Course (not required)

For all items, the link is embedded so that you can click on the item and go to a website to shop.


Various sizes and shapes. The Projects I give you can be done at many different sizes, so the brush size will depend partially on what size canvas or substrate you choose. I am not picky about brushes. A general rule to paint loosely is “Always use a bigger brush than you think you need.”


1-3 Different size and shapes ideally. Not Required.  Here are two of my favorites:


(This is what we call the surface that we paint on, such as canvas or paper,etc.)

You can use stretched canvas, canvas boards, Arches Oil paper for oil painters, heavy mixed Media paper for acrylic painters, gesso-boards or panels. Basically any substrate you feel comfortable with.

At least 7—10 supports for the class. You will probably want more if you continue to do the projects in multiple variations.  I would suggest 12" x 12" minimum and up to as large as you would like to try. 


You will need your OMS (Odorless Mineral Spirits) and a medium (linseed oil, Galkyd, Liquin, etc.) of your choice as usual.


You will want your medium of choice. (matte, gloss, gel, etc.) Sample shown



For all items, the link is embedded so that you can click on the item and go to a website to shop.

The “scraping tool” that I use to remove paint can be a bit difficult to find in art stores. I typically buy it from Amazon as shown above.

The best are from The Cold Wax Academy as shown above.

I do use brayers in my work. Get the soft ones if you choose to buy one. I have many sizes but I seem to use the 2, 3 and 4 inch sizes most.

My favorite are the oil bars by R & F as they are very soft and work well in wet on wet.  There are tons of colors to choose from. Additionally, shown above is a nice set of colors from Shiva.

Get a soft one if you want to use it. 9B. There are many different options for these.  I also use (but not always use) the water soluble ones as, again, they seem to work well when working in wet paint.  

I typically buy it from Amazon as shown above.

Stencil Girl is a great resource for stencils.



You may also choose to visit your local art supplier.